Our Team

The Widups

Bill & Christina

Read on to hear the testimony of God working in two separate lives, joining them together, and growing them up to send them out. God gets the glory, for He is the Author behind it all!

Widup family four (Small)

The Liliords

Tony & Maxine

Read on to hear the testimony of God working in two separate lives, joining them together, and growing them up to send them out. God gets the glory, for He is the Author behind it all!

2022-12 Liliord family

The Nacisse Family

Lemy & Megan

Read on to hear the testimony of God working in two separate lives, joining them together, and growing them up to send them out. God gets the glory, for He is the Author behind it all!

Nacisse family photo (Small)

Get Involved

You can be part of our home team!

We deeply appreciate each group and individual who has committed to strengthening our efforts on the “front-lines” with diligent intercession and sacrificial investment.

Please consider the many ways in which you could join with us in serving the people of Vanuatu: